Dr. Mike Murphy
January 1, 2025
Each day, we watch as the darkness grows. As society looks to push the Lord as far away as possible, and this world looks for new ways to silence the voice of us who believe. But as the darkness grows, hope does not begin to fade, as in the midst of the greatest darkness, the Light shines the brightest. This might be a world that wants us less than ever, but this is a world that needs us more than ever. A world in tremendous need of seeing that Light, as it reflects and radiates with such brilliance in each of us.
In the darkest of hours, this could be one of the Church’s greatest moments, if only this Church would just remember the call the Lord has given us. And as I think back on that call, I find myself writing down three resolutions for this Church in the coming year. Three simple resolutions, that if this Church would take to heart, would remind this Church just what it means to be the Church.
Resolution Number 1. Remember what the reflection of Christ looks like.
Philippians 3;10 tells us, “My goal is to know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death.” A follower of Christ, should always look to center their life around Christ. And as we place Him in the center, we start to look more like Him each and everyday. Our days are soon found with us talking about Him, filling our moments thinking of Him, and looking for ways we came spend more time with Him. The greatest desire of our life is soon found in ways we can please Him, and in finding ways we can serve Him. Knowing that the more we glorify Him, the more each glimpse others get of us will reflect Him.
The more in this coming year this Church can look to place Christ at the center of our life, the more this world will see the Light when they take a close look at this Church.
Resolution Number 2. Make our words sound a lot more like His words.
1 Corinthians 2:16 speaks to us, “For who has understood the mind of the Lord so as to instruct him?” But we have the mind of Christ.” Every answer, to every question we might ask, can be found all in one place. In the pages of His Word, because there, alone, all truth can be found. All man can ever offer to the questions this world might have is opinion. But in His Word, is found the wisdom of definite answers.
If in the coming year, this Church will not look to itself for solutions, but turn to the Lord for answers, we can show the world the difference that only Christ can make. A difference that will not leave man worried about tomorrow, but will offer him the hope of what tomorrow will bring. A tomorrow, not just filled with more questions, but a tomorrow, that is brimming with answers.
Resolution Number 3. Memorize the words of the Great Commission by heart.
In Matthew 28:19-20, Christ spoke to us, “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age." These are not words that should just jump of the pages of Scripture at us when we read them, but should be words that are ingrained into our minds every single day. Words that should never stray far from the tip of our tongue. Never forgetting what a precious gift we have received with each of these words, because these words reveal to us the very heart of our Lord.
In the coming year, this Church should repeat those words to ourselves so often that we are left hoarse. Words that not only find us bringing the Good News to others, but find us teaching the truth of Christ to all who will listen. Words that not only lead us to teach others about the love of Christ, but shows all how to joyfully follow in His footsteps.
I pray that in the coming year, this Church will take each of these resolutions to heart. Remembering the love, the joy, the truth, the grace, and the wisdom, that comes from all three of these resolutions. Words, that if taken to heart, will find this Church reflecting His light so bright into this world, that darkness will soon seek itself for cover.