Saturday, May 25, 2024

And Satan Smiled.....

Dr. Mike Murphy

May 25, 2024


Quiet.  I once longed for it, but now it haunts me.  It surrounds me, punishing me for what I have not done, and for what brought me to this place.  I still ask myself how I got here. How did I end up at this place?  I did nothing, but doing nothing soon became the evil that faced me and the sin that convicted me. From the small flicker of flames soon came a blazing fire.  A fire that not only consumed all who were close to it, but eventually those that watched from a distance.  A fire that grew so large it could no longer be controlled.  A fire that most chose to try and escape, until many, like myself, had nowhere left to run.  A fire that engulfed and destroyed this land.  A fire that has now consumed me.”

(And Satan smiled.)

“For thirty-two years I have served as a pastor.  I have served at an average size church in the Midwest of this country for the last twenty-six of those years.  I served the church each day.  I have been there for the good times, and I was there through the bad times.  I was there when the church saw its’ pews full, and I remained faithful to the church at times when there was plenty of room on those same pews.  I was there as the church built a new sanctuary.  I was there as it added a fellowship hall and a gymnasium.  I was there for the births of many of its’ youngest members.  And I was there as many of its’ oldest members left this earth. 
Each day I was there.  And each day I watched as the faces of those I looked out at on Sunday morning changed.  As they changed, the values they brought with them also changed. Just as this nation changed, the changes that came to this church happened slowly at first. But over the past few years they have escalated until they were out of control.  Words that were once viewed as nothing  more than rejected suggestions eventually became the law of the land. Values that were once spurned, soon found themselves endured by the people. Then those values that were endured, became an accepted part of our society, soon celebrated and embraced.  And before we even knew it, those embraced values became the standard, the law we were told to live by.  What we once did not question as wrong,  became the standard that all were forced to see as right.”

(And Satan smiled.)

“As the standards changed, the fire found the door of the churches of this nation.  Would these churches stand by the words the Bible taught them, or would they rethink those words to fit the beliefs of our society?  Many bowed to the pressure, teaching that the Lord’s standard of old did not apply to this world today.  Some taught that God’s Words were nothing more than fables, suggestive stories for good men to live by.  Stories not designed to teach a standard, or a way of salvation, but a recommendation to help men overcome. Others believed that the God of the past was not the same God of today.  God knew more today that he did when the words of the Bible were written.  The God of today had come to accept many of the things He once saw as wrong.”

(And Satan smiled.)

“Then there were those that stood firm, teaching that God’s Word was the only truth. His Word was unchanging, His teachings were unwavering.  The words and examples He gave to us yesterday, are the same words and examples He gives to us today.  At first they were dismissed, uneducated fools babbling about things they could never understand.  But as the issues grew, their stances stayed just as firm.  Soon they were seen as intolerant, hate-filled bigots who stood in the way of progress.  As these values continued to grow, those that spoke out became less and less.  But a few did not lose their voice, continuing to hold steadfast in God’s Word.  But the harder they held to the Word, the more despised they became.
The day finally came when their teachings were no longer accepted.  Their words and views were considered so hateful they could no longer even be tolerated.  Their words caused harm to society,  standing in the way of this nation’s progression.  Soon laws were written and passed to ensure their words could not be heard, and that their actions must confirm the new found values of our nation.  Many faded into the background out of fear. But others continued to speak, and refused to be a part of this change.  At first they were outcast, no longer allowed to speak.  Almost overnight, this nation began to take stronger action on anyone who refused to accept these changes.  Pastors who stood firm soon found themselves facing charges. Many of these were the lucky ones. Others found their churches and homes burnt to the ground.  And what happened to so many others was simply unspeakable, crimes committed against them and their families that the government deemed unworthy to prosecute.  We watched as ‘freedom of speech’ became ‘freedom from speech’, and God’s Word was replaced by society’s voice.”

(And Satan smiled.)

“I followed many others, I decided to take no stand.  We would remain silent on the issues.  Our church would focus strictly on God’s love, and avoid all other topics.  Our church board agreed, that although we did not agree with many of the issues of the day, we would not speak on them.  They would hold no place in our church.  Some around us taught that God’s grace and His truth were entwined, that you could not know one without the other.  We took a different approach, only teaching God’s mercy, and leaving the rest up for interpretation. We figured if we avoided the issues, the issues would avoid us.  We believed that compromise would keep the focus of this nation from the doors of our church.
We watched in horror as many churches around us were closed.  Their doors shut because of the words that had been spoken from their pulpits.  As we prayed for these people, in the back of our minds we were just glad it was not us facing this persecution.  But when those that spoke out were silenced, society did not stop.  It was no longer enough to remain silent, it became required that these new found values had to be accepted within the walls of every church, and spoken of from the pulpit each Sunday.  Persecution was now knocking on the door of our church.”

(And Satan smiled.)

“Society and our nation now turned to me for an answer.  I tried everything I could to show those who questioned us that we were no threat.  I showed them every sermon I had given over the past several years, not a one speaking on the issues that troubled this country. But my examples were not enough.  I pleaded with them for a compromise, telling them that we would never try to interfere with how they lived their lives, if they would just let us live ours. My pleas of compromise were mocked.
I was now standing face to face with my own choice.  I would either conform my beliefs and those of my church with the values of society, or I would face the consequences that would follow.  At that moment the truth of what I had done all these years overwhelmed me.  I had compromised God, and now I was left with nothing to stand on.  My fate was not being decided today, but had been sealed years ago when I let fear drive me.  I had denied God, and placed my hope in my own understandings.  Without even realizing what I was doing,  I had fought this fight until now on the side of man, not on the side of God.  And I was about to be sentenced by man as a traitor, as I suddenly realized that I could no longer raise my sword in the air against the Lord.”

(And Satan smiled.)

“I will never again see my church, I will never again speak from its’ pulpit.  I do not even know what has become of it or anyone who graced its’ walls.  All I know are the dingy stones and bars that I see each day.  I spend each day reflecting on the lost opportunities of my past. I pray each day for forgiveness, and I realize that if this horrible place does not kill me, the anguish of what I have done soon will.
I now find myself alone. Contained by these four walls. Locked away because I am seen as a threat to others.  The words I once refused to speak, society is now afraid others may hear from me.  Now that I have found my voice Lord, I have no one left to speak with. Now that I have found the words, there is no one around to hear them. I now sit in the quiet, and the remembrance of my own silence is all that is left to torment me.”

(And Satan smiled.)

Before it is too late, it is time the Church rose up, and removed the smile from Satan’s face.