Friday, March 27, 2020


Dr. Mike Murphy
March 27, 2020

Life is truly an adventure, and I am amazed at all I continue to learn each day.  Today, as I had to go to a doctor’s appointment, I learned just how little I know, just how ignorant I really am(and no, I do not need overwhelming agreement from the peanut gallery!)  I realized that a word I thought I understood well, I really did not understand at all. That word? Essential!
Recently, our state set mandatory standards for businesses being open due to the risk of the Coronavirus.  And in doing so, asked all businesses to close that were not seen as essential.  
As I headed to the doctor’s appointment, I expected to see almost everything closed.  Almost every business I passed, I anticipated seeing the lights off, and the doors locked.  But what I saw shocked me, as an uncountable amount of businesses were open, lights fully on, and welcoming all in. 
I quickly learned that so many more things were “essential” than my mind could begin to realize.  From the pet store, to the cable outlet location, to the mattress store, to the fitness center, to the golf driving range, I discovered that each of these are now considered “essential”.
During this same time, I also noticed that a fellow pastor now considered himself “essential”.  Deciding to open the doors of his church as normal. Defying the request for organized meetings to cease for a short period, in order for people to not be put at an unnecessary risk.  And as I read his statement of why he decided to keep his church services opened to the public physically, I saw all the “I’s” and the “me’s” that filled the words of his response. Leaving him saying, “It’s not about everybody else’s faith, it’s about my faith, it’s my conviction,”.  Evidently having come to the conclusion that people hearing him speak live each Sunday morning and Wednesday night was, “essential”.
As I thought about all this, I decided to reach for my dictionary.  In the hope it would bring to me a little clarity as to what the word, “essential” actually means.  As I looked up the word, it defined “essential” as, “of the utmost importance; something necessary, indispensable, or unavoidable”.  So as I thought about this definition, I began to ask myself, what in my life is actually “essential”?
Essential is not found in what I want.  Essential is found in what I need, in what I cannot live a day of my life without.  Essential is not found in what the words politicians look to promise me, or in the words that reporters on the nightly news might look to use to inform me.  As I can live each of my days without what a single one of those words says. But what I cannot live without is what His Word says to me, what He looks to speak to me. As essential is only found as I read His Word, as I look to the very One I cannot live a single moment of my life without.
The reality of all we see around us today shows us, as a society, we have come to describe “essential” as what we think we want, not in what the Lord is showing us we need. A society that no longer knows the difference between a want and a need, as it thinks everything we want is exactly what we need most.. That thinks “essential” is seen in how it makes us feel, not in the necessary reality it brings.  ”If it feels good, do it”, has become the “essential” motto we put forward each day.
Scripture tells me, “It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man.”(Psalm 118:8).  Essential words that should be at the tip of my tongue each day. Words that do not leave me living on each word I might hear the government or the media speaking to me.  Or words society might tell me will place a “happy feeling” in me. But words that leave me grounded as I look to Him each day to guide me. Words that continue to speak to me, “Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.”(Proverbs 13:20).
His Word essentially leaves me prepared to face the chaos of the situation I see this day all around me. Words that leave me with the common sense to know the difference between preparedness and panic.  That does not look to leave me foolishly acting out of fear, but does call me to wisely move forward out of the precaution His has taught me in the face of the dangers I cannot help but see. Wisdom that does not leave me in a possible pending pandemic to think I can blindly find myself in a crowd to do what I might foolishly want to do that day.  Or foolishly sitting on a pew come Sunday morning thinking I will gain greater understanding of what His Word says if I listen to a preacher speaking live, than I do from a virtual feed, where you will not find me looking to risking myself and others  
The essential truth of all I see around me, shows me that only One thing in my life is essential.  Only One thing in my life is going to be wisely walking with me tomorrow, as He carefully guides me through this day.  Better defining for me the meaning of the word “essential” than any dictionary ever could, as His Word tells me, “And those who know Your name will put their trust in You; For You, LORD, have not forsaken those who seek You.”(Psalm 9:10).
This week, the Lord has used all the chaos, panic, threat, and misguidance we see surrounding this world today, to remind me what in my life is essential.  Placing the wisdom we see in each line of His face right in front of me, and using each of those lines to ground me. To essentially show me that His truth are the only words I need to listen each day to.  Words that continue to teach me each day the difference between what this world foolishly and blindly wants to speak to me. And what the wisdom of His Word so exceedingly places in me. Wisely grounding me in where the preparation of His truth can only take me, instead of foolishly looking to lead me to where society’s words of panic and selfishness would seek to bring me.  Reminding me today, no matter how crazy I see this world become around me, He is always right there beside me. Because at the end of the day, Christ is the only thing in my life that is essential.

Praying the Lord helps each of you remember what is essential in your life!  

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

One More Last Chance

Dr. Mike Murphy
March 24, 2020

He stood in silence, as he had so many times before.  His future now rested in the hands of the one he stood before.  A judge that not only knew him by name, but knew his history well.  A man who knew all the good he had once done, all the ways he had once looked to shape the lives of those around him.  Offering a new way, a hope to so many, who had thought all hope was lost.
He could not remember the exact day, but through the years his focus had somehow become lost.  Corners were cut, exceptions were made. Laws he had once held dear, he found himself breaking easily.  Justifying his actions today, so he could continue to break the same laws tomorrow.
With each new day, he could feel his past slipping away.  Finding himself committing acts he once stood so firmly against. Breaking laws he had once worked so hard to help uphold.  And day by day, it had become a little easier, weighing a little less on his conscience, as he found himself breaking those laws more and more.
So many times he had stood in front of the judge, and so many times he had pleaded for mercy.  Promising he would change, promising he would return to the man he had once been. Promising he would never be found in this position again.  Seeking a false forgiveness from this judge, as he knew his heart had not changed, and his desire had remained the same.
So many times he had wondered, “What right does this man have to judge me?”.  “Who gives this man the privilege to tell me what I am doing is right or wrong?”.  He had all but convinced himself he knew best what he wanted, what he needed, and did not need this man controlling his life, trying to tell him what he could and could not do.
But as he stood in front of this judge this time, he realized in the depths of his heart that all his words, all his past good actions, were now lost.  And if this judge would just have mercy on him today, forgive him one more time, he had to make the most of the it. One more last chance to get back to where he was before.  To again be the man he was once so proud to be.
In the scenario I have just painted, many may think the man I mention as fictitious.  But what if I told you the one standing in front of the judge was just as real as you and me.  Not a man, but a name being held accountable we all know well. As the one on trail is all of us, this country called America we are all a part of.  And the judge we see standing over all this, is no simple man. But the One Judge, who stands above all judges.
For years, this Judge has warned us, so many times being seen as incredibly merciful with us. A mercy far greater than any of us would ever be capable of offering.  Time after time, trying to warn us, seeking so hard to change us, to restore us to what He once saw in us. But for all the love He has for us, for every opportunity He has used to work through us, He still must remain just, and uphold the law He has placed in front of us.  
As I look around us today, and as all of us stand in front of Him as He looks out at this nation, I cannot help but feel, we have one more last chance.  One more last chance to return to the purpose that was put in place as He helped our Founding Fathers create us. The amazing things He accomplished through us, as He used this nation to bring the Good News to this world like no other country ever has before.
One more last chance to find our knees.  One more last chance to again be that “shining light on a hill” we so proudly proclaimed to be.  An example to this world of the hope, the freedom, the opportunity that comes when we closely follow the path He has placed in front of us.  One more last chance to rewrite His laws on our heart, as His Word is the focus our eyes again see. One more last chance to protect the most innocent among us, and to return to our society the morals and the principles that only He could teach us.  One more last chance to remember the two greatest of commandments He taught us, calling on us to love the Lord with all our heart, our mind, and our soul)Matthew 22:36-38), and to love our neighbor as we love ourselves(Matthew 22:39-40). Knowing that if we are found doing each, no more last chance would have to be given.
As we look at the grip this pandemic has on our nation today, I cannot help but wonder if a glimpse of that “one more last chance” is hiding underneath.  A time when all the hecticness of this world has been suddenly removed from us, giving us a moment to once again be still, and know that He is God(Psalm 46:10).  A pause for us to remember again that He is exalted above the nations, that He is in control. A quiet moment, that gives us a chance to talk to Him again. To remember, He is our greatest need, and His love for us desires for Him to be our greatest want.  A quiet moment for us to cast aside all the chaos, as we face the reality of the moment and realize, our hope and our future does not rest in our government's hands. Our hope, our future, can only be found in His hand. A hope for tomorrow that starts with us finding our knees in front of Him today.
I plead with this nation, I beg of this nation, do not let this one more last chance slip you by.  In these troubling times, as we look to pull our family and our friends close, please look to pull Him even closer.  Cherish the love He has for each of us, and the plans and purpose He has found in us, as a nation. Please do not again test the patience He has so lovingly shown us, but look to return to the arms He is holding out for us.  And in the face of these troublesome times, please do not think a virus is the greatest threat to us, as an even greater disease infects this country. A disease that once it infects, looks to leave nothing but victims behind, as it spreads through our society like a raging fire.  But unlike this virus, this disease of sin has a well-known cure that does not even require a prescription for us to obtain. As all it requires is for us to turn to Him, as we humble ourselves in front of Him. A cure that only requires for this nation, for all of us, to make the most of this “one more last chance”.

“Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand.”  Proverbs 19:21