Saturday, April 13, 2024

.....With Just One Step!

Dr. Mike Murphy

April 13, 2024

"What was it like to live with Jesus?”, the young boy asked.  The man paused, and drew a deep breath as he reflected back in his mind.  As the memories raced through his thoughts, he fought back the tears that could have so easily filled his eyes.  Those years had been unlike any other, and even today he was still learning just how special they were. He remembered the three and one half years he had traveled the countryside with Christ, the time he spent with Him had gone by in a flash.  But in that moment, in that glimpse of time, his life had changed forever.  Without him even realizing it, Christ was not only teaching him, but preparing him.  Preparing him for the amazing things he would see, and the incredible things the Lord would call him to do.  Each step that he would one day take.
Through the years, he had often received news of the horrible deaths of many of his fellow brothers.  Of the eleven others he had spent so many days with, only a handful now remained.  And in the back of his mind, he knew exactly where his calling would one day lead.  He knew that one day soon he would be joining his brothers again.  As he reflected back, he could still hear the words that Christ had told those twelve that prepared each for that very day.  But as he looked at the crowd that had gathered around him, he knew that today Christ had prepared him for a different purpose.  Today was a day of sharing, telling all that could hear him of the love that only Christ could bring this world.
As his mind returned to the young boy, his thoughts again turned to words.  As he looked at the youngster and smiled, the words again began to flow from his lips.  “I simply do not have the words to tell you what those years were like.  A couple of my brothers have tried, but this world cannot hold enough words to explain to you all we saw, and all we heard.  But I can tell you they were days unlike any other, wonders and miracles we saw that still leave me amazed to this very day.  Things I witnessed and have thought of so many times since.  But things so amazing we still find it hard to put into words.  If the Lord will grant me wisdom, let me try to tell you about one of those days!”  
As he paused to speak, he placed the young man on his knee, and looked into his eyes.  “One day I remember like few others.  We had all recently heard the sad news that John had been beheaded.  Upon hearing this, Jesus had gone off in a boat to pray and to be alone.  But the crowds followed Him, so He came back ashore as thousands gathered around Him in an area far away from any of the villages.  Despite the loss He felt for John, He knew the people had also lost a beloved man of God.  You could look into His eyes and see the love He had for every person that made up that crowd.  So even though you could see the hurt in His eyes for John, and could feel just how tired His body was, Jesus put the needs of those He loved above His own.  Looking back now, I realize that there was so much He still needed us to know about the kingdom of God.  So Jesus did what no other could ever do, He taught us, and healed many around Him that day.
As evening approached, the crowd became hungry.  I remember as Jesus asked me where food could be bought for the people to eat.  We all told Jesus that it was impossible, the cost would be too much and the villages were too far away.  As I remember my words, I realize how I should have known that it was a mistake to place impossible and Jesus together.  But I have to admit, it was a mistake I would often make again.  A mistake I would make again in the next words I spoke.”
His reply astonished us.  He told us to feed them.  Some five thousand men, not counting the thousands more women and children that filled the countryside.  Again, we made the mistake of telling Him it was impossible.  We watched that day as Jesus took the lunch of a young boy, one a lot like you, and feed all that were there.  It was years later before I realized, the lesson that day was not about feeding the crowd, the lesson that day was about the twelve of us. Jesus was showing us that day that our trust could not lie in what we saw in this world, that He alone could fulfill our every need!”
As night fell, Jesus sent us ahead on a boat across the Sea of Galilee.  I remember well, as early that morning a storm rose up, and we were afraid for our lives.  As we looked out on the sea, we could see an image approaching us. Knowing how far out on the water we were, we became scared at what was coming our way.  Many thought it to be a spirit, others began to cry out of fear. But as the fear began to overtake us, we heard a familiar sound coming from the image.  It was the voice of Christ, telling us to not be afraid.  Jesus was walking on the water towards our boat!
Suddenly Peter asked Christ to call out, wanting Christ to tell him to join Him on the water.  We heard the words of Christ telling him to come.  We watched as Peter stepped out of the boat, and stood on the water facing Christ! We began to see the fear on Peter’s face, as he realized where he was and what he was doing.  We watched helplessly as the waves consumed him, and as he began to drown.  We heard Peter cry out, ‘Save me Lord!’.  We watched in shock and wonderment as Christ reached out and grabbed Peter’s hand, pulling him into the boat.  And we marveled as the storm stopped the moment Christ joined us in that boat.” 
Our lives changed that day.  What man could have led a simple fisherman to walk on water?  What man could reach into the pounding waves and then bring that man to the safety of the boat?  And what man could have calmed the storms that roared around us that day?  It was at that moment that we realized that no man could do this.  Only God Himself could!  Young man, I had known Jesus before that day for many days.  But it was on that day that I first knew Him as the Christ!”
Just read the Scriptures!”  Were the words Erin’s mother heard, her daughters only request as she lie gasping for breathe.  The cancer that plagued ten year old Erin had all but taken her body, but it could not touch her spirit.  So Erin’s mother picked up her Bible, and began to read.  For four hours on that early October morning, loved ones each took turns reading God’s Word to Erin. And through the pain of the cancer that she had battled for three years, Erin listened to the words.  
Through the words she read, Erin’s mother prayed for another miracle. She even placed her Bible of the floor, and stepped on it, literally showing God that she stood on His Word.  But as the hours past, God spoke to Erin’s mother, and her prayer for a miracle soon became a prayer of “Thy Will”.  Fifty-one hours later, the Lord called Erin home, to forever be at peace by His side.
Those who were present that night, were amazed by Erin’s faith.  Even through great pain and struggle, she still turned to God, leaning on her faith in Christ.  At six years old, Erin had accepted Christ into her life.  A year later, she was diagnosed with a life threatening form of cancer.  But four months after the initial diagnosis, a second scan found young Erin cancer free.  The doctors told her that what had happened was impossible.  Erin knew different, even at a young age she knew that nothing was impossible with God.  
Erin was not content with just her family knowing, she wanted the world to know what God had done.  She began speaking at local churches, sharing her testimony and her incredible faith.  She had but one desire, for all to know the hope and joy she had found through Christ.  Even when the cancer returned, Erin continued to give praise to the Lord.
During those last minutes of Erin’s life, a peace fell over her mother.  She remembered the words that Erin had told her when she was six, having just received Christ. Erin had told her that she could not wait to get to Heaven.  She told her mother of a love she felt from Jesus unlike any other.  As Erin passed, her mother knew this was a love her little girl would always feel.  For the ten short years she was on this earth, her mother had watched as the Lord had used Erin in the most powerful of ways.  A child who had the heart of Job!
You may ask yourself, what could Peter and young Erin possibly have in common? Steps!  Both were willing to step out on faith!  Peter had the faith to make an impossible first step, and Erin had the faith to trust Christ with her last step.  Both showed us what the Lord could do with just one step.  With one step of faith, God can change the world!
Through all his faults and all his doubts, Peter was the only disciple willing to step out of the boat, to make a step of faith.  And what an amazing step it was! Through one step, Christ showed the world that when we focus on Him, anything is possible.  When our eyes are on Christ, and our heart desires the Lord, there is nothing He cannot use us to accomplish.  And like Peter, even when we fall, Christ is there.  Ready to pick us back up, so we can make that next step for Him.
Hebrews 11:1 tells us, “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.”  That one step from Peter completely defines this amazing verse!  When we focus upon Christ, the assurance and conviction of our faith becomes clear.  And those who watched from the boat that day, were no longer blind to their faith.  It immediately became clear that Christ was who He said He was, and all power rest in His hands.
Erin’s step was no less amazing.  At a time most of us would falter, Erin’s focus was clear, her eyes were on Christ.  Her last step was like Peter’s first step. Our Savior right in front of her, calling her forward, bringing her closer to Him. And just as Peter’s story and his words ring in the ears of most of us today, so do Erin’s.  Even though most of you do not realize it, you have heard Erin’s story many times!
If you listen to Christian music, often you have turned on the radio and heard the words,  “As the thunder rolls, I barely hear You whisper through the rain. ‘I'm with you’.  And as Your mercy falls, I raise my hands and praise the God who gives and takes away.”. Each time you hear these words, you are being witnessed to by Erin. The song “Praise You In This Storm”, was written about a young girl who was dying of cancer, a girl who never lost sight of Jesus.  A young girl named Erin. What a step Erin took!  She showed us that although the verses of our song may not be long, they can be sung clear and loud.  Erin sang her song with a shout for our Savior!
As you read these words, I ask but one thing of each of you.  Bring your focus on Jesus, get out of your chair, and take just one step! Make one step for Christ!  With just one step Christ can change the world.  With just one step, Christ will use you in ways you never thought possible. With just one step, He will use you to reach people you never thought you could ever reach.  With just one step, He can bring peace to your greatest storms.  Christ can do all things.....with just one step!

Praying each of you will make just one step toward Christ!

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Why Christ?

Dr. Mike Murphy

March 17, 2024

All religions are the same
Any religion can get you to heaven
Every religion worships the same god

We have all heard these statements over and over.  We hear many discard and diminish religion, telling us that religion has no place in society.  We hear many claim that religion is just a way to control men, to manipulate the world in a direction that religion wants it to move.  We hear many tell us that this world has moved beyond religion, no longer in need of religion's gods.  And we hear many tell us that religion is restricting us, prohibiting this earth from becoming all it can be.  I have news that may shock you, I firmly agree with the many.
I am a man of strong Christian faith.  I believe that Christ was exactly who He said He was.  I believe every word of the Bible.  And I believe that the Lord God was the One who set this world into motion, and He alone is in control of this world today.  So you may ask yourself, how can I believe this and agree with the one’s I mentioned above?  I can do so because of one statement.  I just as firmly believe that Christianity is not a religion.
I once heard religion best defined as a belief or set of codes that qualifies and disqualifies an individual based on how well they follow those codes, and how they act in performance with those codes.  That definition just about sums religion up.  Religion has so often provided man a way to maintain and abuse the power some have over others. Religion has always been created by man, and has never been the intent of God.  Religion opens the door to change the codes or “requirements” as it goes, requirements that can be changed or manipulated in order for the few to gain more power.  Every religion is built upon the concepts of men.  Concepts that teach man how he can reach a higher state through his efforts to follow the requirements the religion sets forth.  Requirements where the masses never see the benefit, only the “high power” and those in a position of power do.
When we look closely at Christianity, we soon see that it is far from a religion. Christianity is a relationship.  A relationship between God and man.  In Christianity, God created a way for man to not only see the benefits, but to have his life touched by the benefits(Romans 8:3).  In Christianity, God created a way for man to receive what man was incapable of ever doing for himself(2 Corinthians 5:21).  In Christianity, God gave man the most precious of gifts(Romans 6:3), a gift we did not earn and did not deserve.  In Christianity, God took the weight of the world on His own shoulders, so that man would be free of the restrictions that sin has over us(Ephesians 2:8-9).  In Christianity, God gave man what no code could ever give him, what no requirement could ever bring him.  He gave man grace.
The easiest way to describe the difference between Christianity and every religion of this world, is to simply look at “Whose” hands are reaching.  In every religion, we see man reaching up to God, trying to find a work-like way he can hope to gain access to God.  In Christianity, we see God reaching down to man, looking to lovingly bring man forever into His presence.
To best see this, we need look no farther than at Christ Himself.  While Christ was walking with us on this earth, there was nothing He spoke out more against than religion. We often see Him calling the religious leaders “hypocrites”, telling them they followed a religion, not God.  An example of this can be seen in one of the Ten Commandments, “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.”(Exodus 20:8).  In His day, the Pharisees had so added to what God had given us, that the commandment itself had become impossible to follow.  They had proclaimed that you could not enter a field on the Sabbath.  In doing so, your foot might accidentally hit a crop, thus causing it to be harvested.  Harvesting was considered work, thus you would have worked on the Sabbath.  You could not spit on the ground on the Sabbath, because the saliva from your mouth might mix with the dirt forming mud, mud being a form of mortar.  Again, causing you to work and to violate the commandment of God.  They even became angered at Christ because He healed a blind man on a Sabbath, claiming that the man’s healing was a form of labor(John 9:13-17).  In other words, God violated His own commandment by healing a man on the day He sat aside as holy.  This is how outlandish their religion had led them!
Christ could not stand this, and showed the religious leaders just how ridiculous their actions were each time He got a chance.  He saw the Pharisees using the people for their own benefit, so they could control the people and their actions.  And He knew that with each new restriction, they were destroying the people’s relationship with God.  They had made God’s relationship with His people nothing more than a scientific formula.  Telling them they needed to add three of these, and to avoid two of these in order to get the equation right. The Pharisees had lost the whole reason God gave us the Ten commandments in the first place. Forgetting that He gave them to us out of love!  Look closely at each Commandment(Exodus 20:1-17).  Each one shows us how we can strengthen our relationship with the people around us, and how we can strengthen the relationship we have with God!  The Commandment on the Sabbath does this also.  It gives us a time for rest, so we can spend that time with those we have a relationship with, and so we can spend that time with the Lord, who is always looking to spend time with each of us.  God knew that for a relationship to work, it required us to spend time in it.  Devoting time to it.  God so desired to have a strong relationship with us, that He included that time in His Commandments. Giving us the time to help that relationship grow, and for the love that would come out of that relationship to flow.  No religion can ever do this for you, only a relationship with God can!
The Law(The Ten Commandments) is a perfect example of the difference between a religion and a relationship.  In the Law, we see the love that God has for us.  The Law was never meant to be a scientific formula for us to live by.  The Law was a way to help us build a relationship.  A relationship with those around us, and the Lord above us.  But as the Pharisees got their hands on the Law, we see the destruction that religion brings to us.  We see the restrictions that religion places on us.  Restrictions we can never live by, restrictions we can never live up to.
Religion is man’s attempt to reach up to God.  Christianity, is a relationship where God is reaching down to us.  The grace and mercy that Christ brought to this world is the thorn that sticks in religion’s side.  Religion perverts God’s love and it seeks to destroy the relationship Christ came to bring us. Religion lives by its’ own rules, rules that no relationship can ever survive. Religion is about what work man must do to make himself right in the eyes of God. Christianity is about what the Lord has already done to make us right in His eyes.  Religion enslaves you, binding you to the codes it sets forth.  Christianity frees you, from the hold that sin has over you.  Religion says you must find a way to earn your salvation.  Christianity says that salvation is a gift, one Christ came to freely give. Religion ask more from you that you can ever give.  Christianity offers more to you than you will ever need!
The difference between religion and Christianity is greater than any structure could ever bridge.  Christianity does not come with a checklist, only an invitation.  Believe that Christ died for you sins, and accept him as your Savior. That is it, it is really that simple! Christ came so you could have a relationship with Him.  A relationship that is not empty of religion’s promises, but a relationship that is filled with God’s love.
Christianity is not a religion, it is a relationship.  A relationship that brings us into the family of God.  And what a family we join when we say yes to the relationship Christ offers! A family with the power to answer every question this world will never have the answer to. A family that offers you unconditional love, not the restrictions that comes with the false hope religion offers.  A family that will always be there right beside you, and longs to spend an eternity with you!
So next time someone ask you what religion you belong to, let them know you do not belong to a religion. Tell them that you do not allow any religion to control you. Tell them that you do not follow or believe one word that a single religion has to offer you. Tell them you belong to a family, and that you have a relationship with Christ.  A relationship that gives you all the love you will ever need! A relationship filled with a greater love than any religion will ever know!

Praying each of you have a relationship with God!

Saturday, March 9, 2024

Hold Fast!

Dr. Mike Murphy
March 10, 2024

As they watched the fire surrounding them, you cannot help but wonder what thoughts rushed through their minds?  As they were thrown into the flames, what words of prayer were found pressed to their lips?  As they realized those flames did not even singe them, how quickly did those prayers turn to praise?  As they walked amongst the raging fires, what sounds and words did they hear from the crowds that watched in astonishment?
We all know the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.  Men of unwavering faith, that refused to deny God in the face of the most powerful man the world had yet to know.  A man who’s reach stretched out to much of the known world.  A man who with the snap of his fingers could command armies to distant lands.  A man who could destroy and rebuild cities with nothing more than the nod of his brow.  But these three followers of the Lord, knew that with all his power, Nebuchadnezzar was just that, he was just a man.  He was not God, and he did not speak for God.
As they stood before this powerful king, their devotion stood true to the King of Kings. The words they professed to Nebuchadnezzar still move us to this day.  O Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to give you an answer concerning this matter.  If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the furnace of blazing fire; and He will deliver us out of your hand, O king.  But even if He does not, let it be known to you, O king, that we are not going to serve your gods or worship the golden image that you have set up.”(Daniel 3:16-18).  They looked into the eyes of the most powerful one the world had to offer, and placed their faith in the most powerful One the world could ever know.  Their answer was simple, if God rescues me, or if He does not, I will only serve the Lord!
Many excuses could have easily come into the thoughts of these three men.  Thoughts and excuse that would have spared them the fate they knew would soon follow.  They could have fallen to their knees, but not actually worshiped the statue.  They could have told the king they would not become idol worshipers, but would this one time to appease the king.  They could have reasoned with themselves, the king has absolute power, so we must do this.  The could have used their titles as an excuse, the king had appointed them so they must obey him. They could have used their situation as an excuse, they were in a foreign land and needed to honor the followings and traditions of that land. They could have turned to the past, knowing their ancestors had worshiped idols at times and had survived.  They could have bowed to the social pressures of the day, convincing themselves that to worship another god did not diminish their God.  And they could have looked to justify their actions, if they were to deny the king then it might impact the rest of the Jewish people.  But they rejected the temptation to use their own logic, standing on the promise of God’s Word.  They placed their fate and their future into the Lord’s hands.  Their belief became their insurance, and their faith spoke the words for them.
As the crowd watched that day, their astonishment turned into amazement, and the words of the king went from anger to praise.  All those witnessing, looked into the furnace that day, and what they saw had to have brought them again to their knees.  But this time, they did not fall to their knees because a king had ordered them to, they found themselves on their knees because of what the King of Kings showed them.  As the king and the crowd looked into the furnace, they did not just see the three men, but a fourth man.  One the king would proclaim was, “like the Son of God”.  A image that would forever change the fate of not only these three men, but of the Jewish people.  The actions of the king reflect this, and so do his words as he called out to Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. “Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego, come out, you servants of the Most High God, and come here!”(Daniel 3:26).  No man can bind what Christ sets free!
As Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego faced that day, a verse that David wrote quickly comes to mind.  A verse that easily may have been on the lips of these three faithful men that day.  “So be strong and courageous, all you who put your hope in the Lord!”(Psalm 31:24).  When we look at the words that make up this verse, we see the power of David’s pen come to life.
Three words from this verse stand out at us; strong, courageous, and hope. The Hebrew word for strong used here means, “to grasp, to hold fast’. The Hebrew word for courageous means “an inner will, determination”.  And the Hebrew word for hope we see used in this verse means, “to wait in anticipation.” No matter where we find ourselves, and no matter what this world may throw our way, we do not face it alone.  The grasp that Christ has on us, gives us the will and determination to face anything.  And with Christ by our side, we anticipate how the Lord can use us in any situation.  We have the promise of knowing that tomorrow is the Lord’s.  We do not have to worry if the Lord will rescue us today, because He already saved us yesterday, and we know that either way we will have Him by our side tomorrow!  Whether rescued or not, tomorrow holds our hope!
As many of us today look at the world around us, we feel the heat coming from the furnace.  We watch the events of this worlds unfolding, and we see flames of the fire starting to burn.  We watch as fellow believers are being persecuted, and we see the guards approaching. And as we look to our left and our right, and see many of our “so-called’ brothers and sisters on their knees before a false god, we see the bindings the guards are carrying in hand for us. We see the crowds gathering around us, and we know what our future holds. But as we face the fires, we must first ask ourselves one question, a question three faithful men asked themselves so many years ago.  Whether God rescues us or not, will we serve the Lord?
In our stance today, are we ready to stand for God?  Are we willing to show this world, that when we stand for God, we stand out?  Are we willing to accept that sometimes in our trials can be found eternal reasons?  Are we willing to place our destiny is God’s hands, or will we trust them in the hands of man?
To each of these questions, I would give a simple answer.  Hold fast!  Let us answer these questions boldly, moving forward with strength, courage and hope.  Let us not find ourselves on our knees as we cower to the demands of this world, but let us lead the world to its’ knees as they watch the Lord work through us.  Let us never forget, when we walk by faith, we walk for Christ.  We must be willing to follow the example Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego set so many years ago. We must be willing to show those who would lead us into the fire a greater purpose and calling than this world can ever offer or know.  We must show the world the face of the One who can keep us from the flames, the only One who can deliver us from the fire.  We must be willing to offer and give our all, showing this world that only Christ can bring us all.  We must face what the world throws at us today, standing strong and courageous, knowing we will see the hope that tomorrow brings.
As I look at the world around us today, I see the flames of the fire again being stroked. I watch as the world again prepares the furnace, and I see the anger on the world’s face because many of us will not bow before it.  I fear that before that Glorious Day, many of us may be given a view of the inside of that furnace.  But to each who refuse to bow, I would offer words of encouragement and hope.  The words of a fellow believer I often like to quote.  “Hold fast. Help is on the way.  Hold fast.  He's come to save the day.  What I've learned in my life, one thing greater than my strife, is His grasp.  So hold fast.
Hold fast to the foot of the Cross!  In that grasp lies complete hope.  The Cross you grasp is anchored deep, and despite how hard they may try, the world cannot pull you away. That Cross is filled with the confidence and assurance you will see tomorrow, and the strength and courage that will carry you through this day.  And as you grasp firmly to that Cross, know that in the splinters that now fill your hands is found the only hope, joy and peace that can change this world tomorrow.  Hold fast!

Praying each of you keep a strong grasp in the midst of the fire.

Friday, March 1, 2024

Now I Lay Me.....

Dr. Mike Murphy

March 1, 2024

You had better be asleep by the time I get there!”  She heard herself saying the words as if robotic.  Words it seems she had to repeat every night. But that was life with a five year old son, repeating the same words over and over each day.
As she reached his room, she could already hear the constant moving. As she peeped around the corner of the door, she found her son still sitting up in the middle of the bed.  “I thought I told you to get to sleep!”
Mama, I can’t go to sleep yet, we forgot something!
She waited for the rest.  She thought she had heard it all, so she began looking around the room for whatever animal or toy he wanted to sleep with him. She just wished that for one night this could be made simple.  For one night she could get him to bed without a thousand distractions.  That for one night she could find a little peace and quiet, without hearing her named called fifty times before she laid down herself.
But what her little boy said next shocked her, and brought her to a speechless silence. Mama, I can’t go to sleep yet, God would not be happy.  We haven’t said our prayers!”  The moment froze her, and as she found the smile forming on her face, she looked into the eyes of her young son.  She watched as her boy climbed out of the bed, and got on to his knees beside it.  As she watched him, she found her way to her own knees. She then watched as his small fingers came together, as his hand became one to pray.
What prayers do you want me to say tonight?”, she so softly asked her son.
I know the words Mama, I will say the prayer.  Is it okay if I talk to God tonight?”  As the tears formed in the corner of her eyes, what other answer could she possibly have to this question.  “Of course!  I am sure the Lord would love to hear from you!
As she finished her own words, she heard her son begin to pray.  “Now I lay me down to sleep.  I pray the Lord my soul to keep.  If I should die before I wake.  I pray the Lord my soul to take.  God bless Mama, and.......
Words every parent has heard more times than they can count.  Words that filled our own youth, and words we still know by heart.  The words of such a simple prayer, but a prayer that is filled with more than just simple words.
Besides the Lord’s Prayer and Psalm 23, no other prayer has probably been said more.  Ask one hundred men and women about this prayer, and you will be shocked by how many can still recite you every word.  And as you ask each, you will see the instant smile come to their face as they remember the words of this prayer.
Although so many know the words, few know the history of the prayer. History tells us little about the prayer, including its’ origins and its’ author.  Much like the Serenity Prayer, this children’s prayers in not found in the Bible,  but does seem to be formed from one of the verses.  Psalm 4:8, “In peace I will both lie down and sleep, for You alone, O Lord, make me to dwell in safety.
The prayer, as we know it, first appeared in print in the New England Primer in the 1737 edition.  Benjamin Harris, a Boston publisher, included the prayer in his book, and the book soon rocketed in popularity.  The ninety page book soon became the standard by which the early colonies used in teach reading to school children, and continued to be that standard until 1790.  It is estimated that over two million copies sold during the 18th century, and although it would become known as a children’s prayer, it was originally seen as a prayer for all ages.  It is reported that President John Adams recited this prayer every night before he went to sleep
Although the prayer became popular as it was printed in the children’s reading primer, little is none of the origins of the prayer.  Many have linked its’ origins back to the popular English nursery rhyme titled, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.  “Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, guard the bed that I lie on; Four corners to my bed, four angels ‘round my head; One to watch and one to pray, and two to bear my soul away.”  Others have linked it to Joseph Addison, and an essay he wrote for the Spectator in March of 1711.  “When I lay me down to sleep, I recommend myself to His care; When I awake, I will give myself up to His direction.
So which version is true?  I do not know, and do not even think it matters. Many may question who the original author is, I do not.  I believe the author of this simple prayer is the same Author that gave us the Lord’s Prayer and Psalm 23.  And when we look at the words of this prayer, it soon becomes obvious that only One could have given them to us. The innocence and the simplicity of this prayer could only have come at the Hands of the One above!
The prayer reminds us, that in those moments when we are unaware of the world around us, our Lord is still there, caring for us and protecting us in the mercy of His Hands. The first line, “Now I lay me down to sleep”,  reminds us of the reality of each day.  We are made aware that each of our days will come to an end, and what better way can we end each day than to spend a few restful and peaceful moments with the Lord who made us. God’s Word tells us, “When you lie down, you will not be afraid; yes, you shall lie down, and your sleep shall be sweet.”(Proverbs 3:24).  Just as the Lord is there to guide us through each of our days, He is also there to protect and watch over us through each of our nights.
The second lines tells us, “I pray the Lord my soul to keep”.  The Bible tells us, “The Lord is your keeper, the Lord is your shade on your right hand.”(Psalm 121:5).  Our prayer each night reminds us of the One who is the keeper of our soul.  The One who keeps a watchful eye over us, and who we entrust to also protect us.  Ask yourself, who else but our Lord could we ever entrust our soul too?
The next line says to us, “And if I die before I wake”. In this line of the prayer, we can take the greatest of comfort.  Paul addressed this line of the prayer, with the most powerful of questions.  “O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?”(1 Corinthians 15:55).  Our faith in Christ brings us a certainty, a certainty that death holds no power over us.  A certainty that death can bring no fear to us.  A certainty of knowing, that this breath may be the last I take on this earth, but will not be the last breath I take for eternity.  We have the blessed assurance of knowing, that this breath will not be our last!
The last line of the prayer tells us, “I pray the Lord my soul to take.”  What a powerful ending to such a simple prayer!  No greater request could we make than to desire to spend our eternity with our Lord!  Romans 10:13 assures us, “For whoever will call upon the name of the Lord, will be saved.”  Because of what Christ has done for each of us, the promises that our faith in Him brings us, nothing that we may face should ever scare us.  He alone has made the unknown known to us.  And has made our future secure before us! 
No greater beauty can be found than in the four lines of this simple prayer.  A prayer that so simply shows us the promise of our assurance.  A prayer that shows us the reality of who we are, and the desire of where the Lord longs for us to be.  Four simple lines that show us just what an amazing gift this life is, and the love and assurance He offers us with this gift.  A giftful beauty that can even be seen through the eyes of a child, heard in their words as they speak a simple prayer.
Although we are called to mature, and grow beyond a childlike faith, I pray I never grow beyond a childlike trust.  As a child, without question, will leap into the open arms of a parent, I pray I will always approach the arms of the Lord with the same trust.  With the same assurance that those arms will never fail me, will always be there to catch me.  A trust that with each night my life is not filled with fear of what tomorrow may bring, but with the assurance and trust of the beauty that tomorrow will offer.  And as I lie down at the end of this day, I praise the Lord for each word of a prayer that my childhood taught me, and the promise that each word of that prayer still brings me.  Praise the Lord that I am His child!

Praying each of you will never outgrow this simple prayer!

Sunday, December 31, 2023

A New Year's Resolution List For The Church

Dr. Mike Murphy
January 1, 2024

Each day, we watch as the darkness grows.  As society looks to push the Lord as far away as possible, and this world looks for new ways to silence the voice of us who believe.  But as the darkness grows, hope does not begin to fade, as in the midst of the greatest darkness, the Light shines the brightest. This might be a world that wants us less than ever, but this is a world that needs us more than ever.  A world in tremendous need of seeing that Light, as it reflects and radiates with such brilliance in each of us.
In the darkest of hours, this could be one of the Church’s greatest moments, if only this Church would just remember the call the Lord has given us. And as I think back on that call, I find myself writing down three resolutions for this Church in the coming year. Three simple resolutions, that if this Church would take to heart, would remind this Church just what it means to be the Church.

Resolution Number 1.  Remember what the reflection of Christ looks like.

Philippians 3;10 tells us, “My goal is to know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death.” A follower of Christ, should always look to center their life around Christ. And as we place Him in the center, we start to look more like Him each and everyday. Our days are soon found with us talking about Him, filling our moments thinking of Him, and looking for ways we came spend more time with Him. The greatest desire of our life is soon found in ways we can please Him, and in finding ways we can serve Him.  Knowing that the more we glorify Him, the more each glimpse others get of us will reflect Him.
The more in this coming year this Church can look to place Christ at the center of our life, the more this world will see the Light when they take a close look at this Church.

Resolution Number 2.  Make our words sound a lot more like His words.

1 Corinthians 2:16 speaks to us, “For who has understood the mind of the Lord so as to instruct him?” But we have the mind of Christ.”  Every answer, to every question we might ask, can be found all in one place. In the pages of His Word, because there, alone, all truth can be found.  All man can ever offer to the questions this world might have is opinion. But in His Word, is found the wisdom of definite answers.
If in the coming year, this Church will not look to itself for solutions, but turn to the Lord for answers, we can show the world the difference that only Christ can make.  A difference that will not leave man worried about tomorrow, but will offer him the hope of what tomorrow will bring. A tomorrow, not just filled with more questions, but a tomorrow, that is brimming with answers.

Resolution Number 3.  Memorize the words of the Great Commission by heart.

In Matthew 28:19-20, Christ spoke to us, “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age."  These are not words that should just jump of the pages of Scripture at us when we read them, but should be words that are ingrained into our minds every single day. Words that should never stray far from the tip of our tongue. Never forgetting what a precious gift we have received with each of these words, because these words reveal to us the very heart of our Lord.
In the coming year, this Church should repeat those words to ourselves so often that we are left hoarse. Words that not only find us bringing the Good News to others, but find us teaching the truth of Christ to all who will listen. Words that not only lead us to teach others about the love of Christ, but shows all how to joyfully follow in His footsteps.
I pray that in the coming year, this Church will take each of these resolutions to heart.  Remembering the love, the joy, the truth, the grace, and the wisdom, that comes from all three of these resolutions.  Words, that if taken to heart, will find this Church reflecting His light so bright into this world, that darkness will soon seek itself for cover.

May each day of this year find your reflection of Him a little brighter!